The understanding of neurotransmitter release at vertebrate synapses has been hampered by the paucity of preparations in which presynaptic ionic currents and postsynaptic responses can be monitored directly. We used cultured embryonic Xenopus neuromuscular junctions and simultaneous pre-and postsynaptic patch-clamp current-recording procedures to identify the major presynaptic conductances underlying the initiation of neurotransmitter release.Step depolarizations and action potential waveforms elicited Na and K currents along with Ca and Ca-activated K (K Ca ) currents. The onset of K Ca current preceded the peak of the action potential. The predominantly -CgTX GVIA-sensitive Ca current occurred primarily during the falling phase, but there was also significant Ca 2ϩ entry during the rising phase of the action potential. The postsynaptic current began a mean of 0.7 msec after the time of maximum rate of rise of the Ca current. -CgTX also blocked K Ca currents and transmitter release during an action potential, suggesting that Ca and K Ca channels are colocalized at presynaptic active zones. In double-ramp voltage-clamp experiments, K Ca channel activation is enhanced during the second ramp. The 1 msec time constant of decay of enhancement with increasing interpulse interval may reflect the time course of either the deactivation of K Ca channels or the diffusion/removal of Ca 2ϩ from sites of neurotransmitter release after an action potential.
Key word: neuromuscular junction; nerve terminal; calcium channel; charybdotoxin; conotoxin; synaptic delayNeurotransmitter release from nerve terminals is triggered by the entry of Ca 2ϩ through voltage-gated Ca channels (Katz, 1969;Augustine et al., 1987). Our understanding of the relationship between the presynaptic ionic currents and release is based largely on studies of the squid giant synapse (Katz and Miledi, 1967;Llinás et al., 1981;Charlton et al., 1982; Augustine et al., 1985a,b). Several critical questions remain, however, that one would like to address with equivalent biophysical rigor at a vertebrate synapse in which the presynaptic ionic currents and postsynaptic currents can be measured simultaneously and release can be resolved at the single quantum level. In this report we take advantage of a neuromuscular synapse preparation in which this can be done.Among the important pending questions are the timing and delay between Ca 2ϩ entry during an action potential and release, the roles of different Ca and Ca-activated K (K Ca ) channels in the release process, and the quantitative relationship between Ca 2ϩ influx and release. In squid, it has been shown that Ca 2ϩ enters principally during the repolarization phase of the action potential (Llinás et al., 1982). Physiological studies of various excitable secretory cells have shown that different types of Ca channels play a dominant role in triggering release in different terminals, and often multiple Ca channel types are present in any given terminal (Kerr and Yoshikami, 1984;Pfrieger et al., 1992, Luebke et al...