We consider electron-deuteron deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) with detection of a proton in the nuclear fragmentation region ("spectator tagging") as a method for extracting the free neutron structure functions and studying their nuclear modifications. Such measurements could be performed at a future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) with suitable forward detectors. The measured proton recoil momentum ( < ∼ 100 MeV in the deuteron rest frame) specifies the deuteron configuration during the high-energy process and permits a controlled theoretical treatment of nuclear effects. Nuclear and nucleonic structure are separated using methods of light-front quantum mechanics. The impulse approximation (IA) to the tagged DIS cross section contains the free neutron pole, which can be reached by on-shell extrapolation in the recoil momentum. Final-state interactions (FSI) distort the recoil momentum distribution away from the pole. In the intermediate-x region 0.1 < x < 0.5 FSI arise predominantly from interactions of the spectator proton with slow hadrons produced in the DIS process on the neutron (rest frame momenta < ∼ 1 GeV, target fragmentation region). We construct a schematic model describing this effect, using final-state hadron distributions measured in nucleon DIS experiments and low-energy hadron scattering amplitudes. We investigate the magnitude of FSI, their dependence on the recoil momentum (angular dependence, forward/backward regions), their analytic properties, and their effect on the on-shell extrapolation. We comment on the prospects for neutron structure extraction in tagged DIS with EIC. We discuss possible extensions of the FSI model to other kinematic regions (large/small x). In tagged DIS at x ≪ 0.1 FSI resulting from diffractive scattering on the nucleons become important and require separate treatment.deuteron using LF quantum mechanics, including the IA and FSI amplitudes. We use empirical hadron distributions, measured in ep/ed DIS, to describe the slow part of the hadronic final state produced on the nucleon in the deuteron. The interactions of the slow hadrons with the spectator are treated as on-shell scattering with an effective cross section. Off-shell effects can be absorbed into the effective cross section and the slow hadron distribution; they are physically indistinguishable from effects of the finite hadron formation time and can consistently be accounted for in this way. This model amounts to a minimal description of FSI based on the space-time evolution of the DIS process and empirical hadron distributions.In the present study we use the apparatus of LF quantum mechanics to describe the initial-state nuclear structure and final-state interactions in tagged DIS. High-energy processes such as DIS effectively probe a strongly interacting system at fixed LF time x + = x 0 + x 3 , along the direction defined by the reaction axis. In LF quantization one follows the time evolution of the system in x + and describes its structure by wave functions and densities at x + = const. [32][33][34][35][36]....