We put independent model dynamical constraints on the net electric charge Q of some astronomical and astrophysical objects by assuming that their exterior spacetimes are described by the Reissner-Nordström metric, which induces an additional potential U RN ∝ Q 2 r −2 . From the current bounds ∆̟ on any anomalies in the secular perihelion rate̟ of Mercury and the Earth-mercury ranging ∆ρ, we have |Q ⊙ | 1 − 0.4 × 10 18 C. Such constraints are ∼ 60 − 200 times tighter than those recently inferred in literature. For the Earth, the perigee precession of the Moon, determined with the Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) technique, and the intersatellite ranging ∆ρ for the GRACE mission yield |Q ⊕ | 5 − 0.4 × 10 14 C. The periastron rate of the double pulsar PSR J0737-3039A/B system allows to infer |Q NS | 5 × 10 19 C. According to the perinigricon precession of the main sequence S2 star in Sgr A * , the electric charge carried by the compact object hosted in the Galactic Center may be as large as |Q • | 4 × 10 27 C. Our results extend to other hypothetical power-law interactions inducing extra-potentials U pert = Ψr −2 as well. It turns out that the terrestrial GRACE mission yields the tightest constraint on the parameter Ψ, assumed as a universal constant, amounting to |Ψ| 5 × 10 9 m 4 s −2 .