BACKGROUND 1 1.1 | The condition Context: In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz Michela Wrong describeswalking down the overgrown disused railway which years before had been part of a network linking DRC's copper mines to ports in Angola and South Africa. Despite new investments in the last decade-the Benguela Railway link from DRC to Angola reopened in 2018 after being closed for 34 years 2 -Africa's rail system is small compared to that in other parts of the world, and a substantial part of what there is not used (Bullock, 2009). The poor state of railway transport in Africa-and the unrealised potential of inland waterways-puts excess pressure on the fragile road transport system, so that transport costs-which are increased by uncompetitive practices-are a break on African development.While much of Africa is an extreme case, inadequate transport infrastructure is an issue across much of the developing world.There are great disparities in the quantity and quality of infrastructure. European countries such as Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, and the UK have close to 200 km of road per 100 km 2 , and the Netherlands over 300 km per 100 km 2 . By contrast, Kenya and Indonesia have <30, Laos and Morocco <20, Tanzania and Bolivia <10, and Mauritania only 1 km per 100 km 2 . 3 As these figures show, there is a significant backlog of transport infrastructure investment in both rural and urban areas, especially in sub-Saharan Africa (Foster & Bricenõ-Garmendia, 2010). The situation is often exacerbated by weak governance and an inadequate regulatory framework with poor enforcement which lead to high costs and defective construction.The wellbeing of many poor people is constrained by lack of transport, which is called "transport poverty." Lucas et al. (2016) suggest that up to 90% of the world's population are transport poor when defined as meeting at least one of the following criteria: (1) lack of available suitable transport, (2) lack of transport to necessary destinations, (3) cost of necessary transport puts household below income poverty line, (4) excessive travel time, or (5) travel conditions unsafe or unhealthy.