Non-collagenous phosphoproteins, almost all of which can be extracted in EDTA at neutral pH in the presence of proteinase inhibitors, are identified in the matrix of chicken bone, and are therefore not covalently bound to collagen. Similarly, all the peptides containing y-carboxyglutamic acid are present in the EDTA extract and none in the insoluble residue, confirming that none is covalently linked to chicken bone collagen. However, organic phosphorus is also found to be present in chicken bone collagen, principally in the a2-chains. Of the total protein-bound organic phosphorus present in chicken bone matrix, approx. 80 % is associated with the non-collagenous proteins and 20 % with collagen. The soluble non-collagenous proteins contain both O-phosphoserine and 0-phosphothreonine and these account for essentially all of their organic phosphorus content. In contrast, collagen contains neither 0-phosphoserine nor 0-phosphothreonine. Indeed, no phosphorylated hydroxy amino acid, phosphoamidated amino acid or phosphorylated sugar could be identified in purified components of collagen, which contain approximately four to five atoms of organic phosphorus per molecule of collagen. Peptides containing organic phosphorus were isolated from partial acid hydrolysates and enzymic digests of purified collagen components, which contain an as-yet-unidentified cationic amino acid. These data, the very high concentrations of glutamic acid in the phosphorylated peptides, and the pH-stability of the organic phosphorus moiety in intact collagen chains strongly suggest that at least part of the organic phosphorus in collagen is present as phosphorylated glutamic acid. This would indicate that the two major chemically different protein fractions in chicken bone matrix that contain organic phosphorus may represent two distinct metabolic pools of organic phosphorus under separate biological control.Phosphoproteins have been identified as part of the non-collagenous components of the organic matrices of mineralized vertebrate tissues such as enamel (Seyer & Glimcher, 1971;Papas et al., 1977;Seyer & Glimcher, 1977a), dentine Veis & Perry, 1967;Butler, 1972;Butler et al., 1972;Veis et al., 1972;Carmichael & Dodd, 1973;Pieri et al., 1975;Menanteau et al., 1977) and bone (Spector & Glimcher, 1972;Shuttleworth & Veis, 1972) [see Leaver et al. (1975b) for a review]. There still exists, however, at least two major points of controversy with regard to bone and dentine: (1) how much, if any, of the phosphorylated protein(s) is covalently bound to the collagen, and (2), if present, Abbreviation used: P,, organic phosphate. * Present address: I.N.S.E.R.M. U12 and U18, Hc6pital des Enfants malades, Paris, France. t To whom requests for reprints should be addressed. Vol. 177 the nature of the organic phosphate moiety covalently bound to the collagen.Although evidence has been presented that none of the phosphoprotein is covalently bound to the collagen of rat dentine (Butler, 1972;Butler et al., 1972Butler et al., , 1976, equally substantia...