Folding of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) according to the two-stage model (Popot et al., Biochemistry 29(1990), 4031) is postulated to proceed in 2 steps: Partitioning of the polypeptide into the membrane followed by diffusion until native contacts are formed. Herein we investigate conformational preferences of fragments of the yeast Ste2p receptor using NMR. Constructs comprising the first, the first two and the first three transmembrane (TM) segments, as well as a construct comprising TM1-TM2 covalently linked to TM7 were examined. We observed that the isolated TM1 does not form a stable helix nor does it integrate well into the micelle. TM1 is significantly stabilized upon interaction with TM2, forming a helical hairpin reported previously (Neumoin et al., Biophys. J. 96(2009), 3187), and in this case the protein integrates into the hydrophobic interior of the micelle. TM123 displays a strong tendency to oligomerize, but hydrogen exchange data reveal that the center of TM3 is solvent exposed. In all GPCRs so-far structurally characterized TM7 forms many contacts with TM1 and TM2. In our study TM127 integrates well into the hydrophobic environment, but TM7 does not stably pack against the remaining helices. Topology mapping in microsomal membranes also indicates that TM1 does not integrate in a membrane-spanning fashion, but that TM12, TM123 and TM127 adopt predominantly nativelike topologies. The data from our study would be consistent with the retention of individual helices of incompletely synthesized GPCRs in the vicinity of the translocon until the complete receptor is released into the membrane interior. (7), and the structure of a GPCRarrestin complex was solved (8).While our knowledge of the structure of GPCRs in various states and their mode of activation and desensitization is rapidly increasing, detailed information on their folding pathways is still lacking. The popular refined two-stage model from Popot and Engelman postulates that secondary structure forms when the peptide chain partitions into the membranewater interface (9-11). However, proteins destined for membrane insertion are generally subjected to the concerted action of translating ribosomes in the cytoplasm and translocon complexes located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of eukaryotes or in the plasma membrane of bacteria (12). In order to traffic proteins to membranes in most cells the signal-recognition particle targets the nascent chains emerging from the ribosome tunnel to the translocon complex (13 (12,(18)(19)(20). Folding of polytopic membrane proteins is the result of a series of events that include helixinsertion into the hydrophobic core and sequestering of loop-sequences into cytosolic or extracellular space (11,21). The timing of the chain insertion and the localization of TM helices would be expected to be a consequence of the amino acid sequence and the interaction of the growing polypeptide chain with the membrane. Recently, however, the first evidence was obtained that helices might change their locat...