In a previous report (1), it was shown that a new 1, 5-benzothiazepine derivative, 3-acetoxy-2, 3-dihydro-5-[2-(diethylamino) ethyl]-2-(p-methoxyphenyl)-1, 5-benzothiazepine-4 (5H)-one hydrochloride, produced a potent coronary vasodilator effect in anesthetized dogs. Among four stereoisomers of the compound, d-and l-isomers of cis-and trans forms, the d-cis-isomer (CRD-401) exhibited the most powerful effect when injected into the femoral vein. Without increase in myocardial oxygen consumption, a significant in crease in coronary blood flow resulted.
The present report deals with the vasodilator action of d-cis-isomer of the new ben zothiazepine derivative under the influence of various pharmacological blockers. The results are considered in relation to the mechanism of the compound. Effects of dl-and l-cisisomers and dl-trans-isomer were also investigated and compared with the action of d-cis-isomer. Experiments were performed on the coronary and femoral arteries in anes thetized dogs and on the coronary vessels in isolated hearts of the guinea pig.
Coronary artery blood flowMale dogs weighing 15-25 kg were anesthetized using sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/ kg, i.v.) and the chest was opened by the removal of a portion of the left fourth rib under positive pressure respiration (room air). According to the method of Eckenhoff et al. (2), the blood from the left carotid artery was led to the anterior descending coronary artery by a short extracorporeal loop. The blood fow was then measured by means of an electro magnetic flowmeter (Nihon Koden, MF-2), which was introduced into the loop. Femoral arterial pressure was obtained and recorded via a pressure transducer as well as the coronary blood flow into a multipurpose polygraph (Nihon Koden, RM-150).
Femoral artery blood flowMale dogs (10-14 kg) were anesthetized using sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg, i.v.).A short extracorporeal loop was introduced into the left femoral artery and the blood flow was measured by the same procedure described above. The test compound, in a volume not exceeding 0.5 ml, was injected into the extracorpo