This report is a continuation of the previous studies [1,2] devoted to the development of theoretical fundamentals that can be used to predict the formation of a stable ( β ) or metastable ( α ) polymorphic modification of a metal phthalocyaninate (MPc) in the course of its crystallization from solutions of organic solvents. Practically valuable properties of MPc mainly depend on their polymorphic state. Thus, conductivity of the β -polymorphic form of MPc is several times higher than that of the corresponding α -polymorphic form of MPc [3], which is important for developing new semiconductors, chemo-and gas sensors. The higher solubility of the α -polymorphic modification of MPc [4] as compared to that of the β -polymorphic modification should be taken into consideration when MPc are used as dyes. Today, the β -polymorphic modifications of MPc are produced by heating the crystal samples, but this method is time-and energy-consuming [5]. Moreover, high temperatures can induce thermal destruction of macromolecules or the formation of polymeric structures [6].A number of papers devoted to preparation of different polymorphic forms of MPc under rigid conditions have been published in the literature (the β -polymorphs can be produced by fusion of ureaphthalic anhydride in the presence of trichlorobenzene [7], whereas the α -form can be obtained by dissolution of MPc in concentrated ç 2 SO 4 and further precipitation on ice [8]). The conditions of preparation by crystallization from saturated solutions of stable and metastable polymorphic modifications of macrocycles are unknown, since specific solvation intermolecular interactions of macroheterocyclic molecules with the electron-donor solvents are not studied.This work was undertaken with the aim to study thermodynamic aspects of solvation interactions of MPc with the solvent molecules. The subject under study was zinc(II) tetra-tert -butyl-phthalocyaninate, which is typical representative of coordinatively unsaturated MPc, and electron-donor ligands (hexamethylphosphorictriamide (HMPA), pyridine (Py), piperidine (Pip), morpholine (Morf)) with different physicochemical parameters ( σ -electron-donor and π -acceptor capabilities, polarization properties, and van der Waals volumes). EXPERIMENTAL Zinc(II) tetra-tert -butyl-phthalocyaninate (Zn ( tBu ) 4 êÒ ) was synthesized and purified by the known procedures [9]. Crystal samples were dried to a constant weight in vacuum at 343-353 K in order to remove the solvent molecules. The Zn ( t -Bu ) 4 êÒ purity was monitored by the electronic absorption spectra in benzene corresponding to the literature data [9].The molecular ligands (Py, Pip, Morf) were purified directly before preparation of the tested solutions following the procedure described in [10]. HMPA was dried using the column chromatography on activated Al 2 O 3 and further distillation under vacuum [10]. The special-purity grade benzene was additionally dried over 4 Å molecular sieves and fractionated. The purity of organic solvents was monitored by chromatography...