The successful initiation of a primary antibody response in tissue culture has been reported by several workers (1--4). I n a previous report from this laboratory (3) it has been suggested that the sequential action of at least two different types of cells was responsible for the formation of antibody in tissue culture. One type was a mononucleated cell with phagocytic activity, referred to as a macrophage, and the other was a non-phagocytic cell belonging to the lymphocytic series. The macrophage, presumably a non-antibody--producing cell, was thought to interact with the antigen yielding a product which in some manner stimulated the production of specific antibody in the lymphocytic cells. The role of the macrophage, and the nature of the active substance(s) that result from the interaction of antigen and macrophages, were further investigated. The results of these experiments in which tissue culture and chick embryo techniques were used are presented in this paper.
Materials and MahodsLymph Node Cdls.--Young Wistar strain rats (60 gin) obtained from Blue Spruce Farms, Altamount, New York, were used as the source of lymph node cells. The animals were sacrificed by a blow on the head and the two lumbar nodes, the renal node, and an intestinal node (5) were excised. The nodes from 10 rats were teased manually in 6 ml of a Special Buffer Solution (SBS) of the following composition: NaC10.8 per cent, KC1 0.04 per cent, Na~HPO4 0.0568 per cent, KHsPO4 0.0095 per cent, MgSO4 0.0060 per cent, phenol red 0.002 per cent, and CAC12.2 H20 0.014 per cent. The suspension of teased cells was then filtered through sterile gauze to remove tissue fragments as well as clumps of cells. Mter centrifuging the cells at 200 X g for 10 minutes in the cold, the cells were washed once with SBS and then counted. Approximately 20 X 106 cells were obtained per rat; not more than 5 per cent of these cells were macrophages.Rabbit lymph node cells were obtained by teasing the mesenteric and popllteal nodes in a similar manner. A much higher yield of lymph node cells (480 X 106) per rabbit was obtained; approximately 15 per cent of the cells were macrophages.lffacrophages.--Rat macrophages were obtained by injecting 5 ml of a beef heart infusion broth fortified with 10 per cent proteose-peptone No. 3 (6) intraperitoneally into 200 to 250 gin Wistar rats obtained from Blue Spruce Farms. The rats were sacrificed by a blow on