We noticed in previous work (18, 28) that, in the cotyledon of Vigna sesquipedalis in the germination stage, isocitric acid may be metabolized preferentially through the glyoxylate cycle rather than the TCA3 cycle because of the lack of endogenous TPN; whereas in the growing parts such as plumule, hypocotyl. and radicle, it is probably metabolized through the TCA cycle in accordance with an expected high level of TPN. Thus the TPN level was an important factor for selection of the metabolic pattern. However, the importance of this finding will depend upon whether or not it is a general phenomenon in all plants.Recently the domiinancy of the glyoxylate cycle in the storage organ. i.e.. cotyledlons in some kinds of seeds and endosperm in others., has been indlicated for various plants by several workers (2,4,5,6,16,26,27, 28,29). It is, therefore, tempting to compare the endogenous TPN concentration of the storage organ with that of the growing part in various plants.However, further problems have arisen concerning the above.I. Only in cases where the levels of PN are a rate-limiting factor for the plant metabolism, will those levels play a key role. Thus the first problem is whether TPN+TPNH and DPN+DPNH amounts are a rate-limiting factor for the metabolism of various plant tissues.II. The storage organ will generally be older in physiological age than the growing part. Comparisons between the storage organ and the growing part in metabolic activities (13,18,19,24, 28)