A 15-year-old boy presented with perianal skin lesion of duration 9 months. It had started as a small nodule in the perianal area, which gradually ulcerated and spread to involve the perineum and both the crural folds. He had taken some herbal medicines orally (nature unknown) from a quack without any relief and came to hospital only after the lesion became extensive, painful, and caused difficulty in defecation. Anal sex was forced on him repeatedly over 6-8 months before onset of lesion by two adult pederasts. He was illiterate and belonged to a poor socioeconomic group. There was no history of heterosexual contact, drug addiction, fellatio, and use of condoms.Cutaneous examination showed an extensive, V-shaped, deep, perianal, erythematous, necrotic ulcer with a granulomatous base and raised edges extending over the perineum and both the crural folds measuring about 20 cm in length and 12 cm in breadth at its longest and broadest points. It was soft and tender. The ulcerative band in the crural region had whitish edges and it was longer on the right side (Fig. 1). Fecal matter was seen projecting from the granulomatous ulcer in the perineal region. There was no penile ulcer, lymphadenopathy, or positive systemic finding. Active agents were untraceable for examination. The dark ground examination for Treponema pallidum and the blood venereal disease research laboratory tests were negative, whereas enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for HIV 1 was positive. Routine hematological investigations were normal. Crushed tissue smear examination stained with Giemsa revealed intracytoplasmic Donovan bodies inside the monocytes, confirming the diagnosis of donovanosis (Fig. 2). An appreciable response was seen after oral norfloxacin 400 mg given twice daily for 28 days. He was also advised to get his baseline CD 4 count for starting and monitoring antiretroviral treatment, but did not get it done and was subsequently lost to follow up. Figure 1 Extensive, necrotic, granulomatous crural and perianal lesion