NOMENCLATURE sside of square groove, mm D e equivalent diameter of rectangular exit, mm l length of square groove, mm m exit mass flow rate at the nozzle exit m j mass flow rate at any axial location along the jet centerline U e mean velocity at nozzle exit, ms -1 U local mean velocity, ms -1 K u mean streamwise velocity decay rate, C u kinematic virtual origin (end of the potential core length non dimensionalised by the nozzle equivalent diameter) u'/U e non-dimensional velocity fluctuation along X-direction v'/U e non-dimensional velocity fluctuation along Y-direction X co-ordinate along the jet axis, mm Y co-ordinate along the horizontal plane, mm Y 0·5 jet half-width along Y axis, mm Z co-ordinate along the vertical plane, mm Z 0·5 jet half-width along Z axis, mm
ABSTRACTAn experimental study has been carried out to understand jet flow development from plain and grooved rectangular nozzles of aspect ratio 2:1 using two-component hotwire anemometry. Grooves of square configuration (side 4mm) and length 5mm were introduced in the (i) minor-axis, (ii) major-axis and, (iii) in both minor-and majoraxes directions. The equivalent diameter of the plain rectangular nozzle is 37·5mm. Studies were carried out for a nominal jet exit velocity of 20ms -1 and for Reynolds number based on equivalent diameter of 54,000. The introduction of grooves in either plane does not show any influence on the potential-core length but results in faster jet-decay thereafter. It is observed that the grooves when introduced in minor-axis direction inhibit the jet growth in that plane while promoting the jet growth along major-axis plane and hence, delays the phenomena of axis-switching. However when introduced in major-axis direction, the grooves promote jet growth along majoraxis plane while inhibiting jet-growth in minor-axis plane. Crosssectional contours of mean-velocity suggest that the grooves modify the process of overall jet development significantly in the plane in which they are introduced relative to the plain jet and hence, significantly affect the axis-switching location in each case.