BURKWALL, _MARY K. (Iowa State University, Ames), AND PAUL A. HARTMAN. Comparison of direct plating media for the isolation and enumeration of enterococci in certain frozen foods. Appl. MIicrobiol. 12:18-23. 1964.-A total of 15 agar media were examined for their yield, selectivity, readability, and simplicity of preparation and use. A thallium medium of Barnes was selected as the better of the high yield-fair selectivity type of medium and an azide-citrate medium of Reinbold appeared to be the better of the low Yield-high selectivity type of medium. Sodium carbonate (optimal concentration, 0.20%Z,) was found to increase recovery substantially when added to certain media, especially in the presence of 0.05% Tween 80. When these two ingredients were incorporated into a medium modified after Slanetz and Bartley, the resultant medium was superior to other media for the isolation and enumeration of enterococci in certain frozen foods, such as peas and hamburger, by the direct plating method.