RPE65 is the isomerase catalyzing conversion of all-transretinyl ester (atRE) into 11-cis-retinol in the retinal visual cycle. Crystal structures of RPE65 and site-directed mutagenesis reveal aspects of its catalytic mechanism, especially retinyl moiety isomerization, but other aspects remain to be determined. To investigate potential interactions between RPE65 and lipid metabolism enzymes, HEK293-F cells were transfected with expression vectors for visual cycle proteins and co-transfected with either fatty acyl:CoA ligases (ACSLs) 1, 3, or 6 or the SLC27A family fatty acyl-CoA synthase FATP2/SLCA27A2 to test their effect on isomerase activity. These experiments showed that RPE65 activity was reduced by co-expression of ACSLs or FATP2. Surprisingly, however, in attempting to relieve the ACSL-mediated inhibition, we discovered that triacsin C, an inhibitor of ACSLs, also potently inhibited RPE65 isomerase activity in cellulo. We found triacsin C to be a competitive inhibitor of RPE65 (IC 50 ؍ 500 nM). We confirmed that triacsin C competes directly with atRE by incubating membranes prepared from chicken RPE65-transfected cells with liposomes containing 0 -1 M atRE. Other inhibitors of ACSLs had modest inhibitory effects compared with triascin C. In conclusion, we have identified an inhibitor of ACSLs as a potent inhibitor of RPE65 that competes with the atRE substrate of RPE65 for binding. Triacsin C, with an alkenyl chain resembling but not identical to either acyl or retinyl chains, may compete with binding of the acyl moiety of atRE via the alkenyl moiety. Its inhibitory effect, however, may reside in its nitrosohydrazone/ triazene moiety.The process of vision begins in the photoreceptor outer segments of the retina with absorption of a photon of light by the 11-cis-retinylidene chromophore ligand of photoreceptor visual pigment opsins, such as rhodopsin. This event photoisomerizes the 11-cis-retinal to the all-trans-isomer, thereby activating the rhodopsin to metarhodopsin and initiating the phototransduction pathway that results in transmission of a signal, via retinal interneurons, for central processing in brain visual centers. Upon completion of the phototransduction cascade processes, the all-trans-retinal releases from its Schiff base linkage following decay of metarhodopsin and is reduced to all-trans-retinol and transported to the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), 2 a monolayer epithelium apposed to the photoreceptor outer segments. To regenerate the visual pigment, input of 11-cis-retinal is required. This is provided by enzymatic isomerization in the RPE of the esterified all-trans-retinol in a process termed the visual cycle. RPE65 is the key isomerase in the RPE visual cycle that catalyzes the conversion of all-transretinyl ester (atRE) into 11-cis-retinol (1-3). RPE65 is a member of a family of carotenoid oxygenases that has evolved to become a retinol isomerase in the vertebrate retinal visual cycle (4). Recent crystal structures of RPE65 (5-7) and site-directed mutagenesis studies (8, 9) have ...