Our understanding of the biochemical defects underlying the hepatic forms of congenital, unconjugated hyperbilirubinemias has been greatly enhanced over the past decade. This is mostly due to the availability of pure, labeled bilirubin, the appropriate kinetic analyses, and a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying bilirubin conjugation. Although it is quite obvious that the defect underlying Gilbert's and Crigler-Najjar syndromes is deficient glucuronidation, the molecular explanation may eventually be found in altered composition of the microsomal lipids rather than in a protein defect of glucuronyl transferase. The recognition that Gilbert's syndrome is a quite heterogeneous entity will allow a better understanding of the mode of inheritance of this disorder; its relationship to Crigler-Najjar type II disease also awaits further definition. It is hoped that definition of the molecular defect in Crigler-Najjar type I will lead to better therapeutic modalities, but this remains to be seen.