RAUSER, W. E. 1978. Early effectsof phytotoxic burdens ofcadmium, cobalt, nickel. and zinc in white beans. Can. J. Bot. 56: 17441749. The effectiveness of excess cadmium, cobalt, nickel, and zinc in eliciting similar early responses was studied in white beans. Each metal caused the appearance of a red-brown discoloration first in the veins of unifoliate leaves and later in petioles and stems. Cadmium, nickel, and zinc did so within 1 day, cobalt within 4 days. The effectiveness of the metals in inducing visual symptoms and in decreasing dry matter production were in the order CdZ+ > > ZnZ+ > NiZ+ > CoZ+. Within I day of adding excess metal, each caused the unifoliate leaves t o orient themselves towards the vertical from the normal horizontal. Each metal caused premature leafclosure within the normal nyctinastic cycle.Excess cobalt, nickel, and zinc all caused abnormal starch accumulations in unifoliate leaves within 2-3 days. These metals also caused amaijor shift towards relatively apolar soluble phenolic components in leaves but not in roots. Cadmium, besides being most toxic, did not cause starch accumulation or a shift in the complement of soluble phenolics. RAUSER, W. E. 1978. Early effectsof phytotoxic burdens ofcadmium, cobalt, nickel, and zinc in white beans. Can. J. Bot. 56: 17441749. L'auteur a etudie les premitres reactions provoquees par des e x c t s d e cadmium, d e cobalt, d e nickel et d e zinc chez la "Feve blanche." Chaque metal provoque I'apparition d'une decoloration rouge-brune d'abord dans les nervures des feuilles unifoliolees et plus tard dans les g t i o l e s et les tiges. L e cadmium, le nickel et le zinc provoquent cette reaction e n moins d e 1 jour et le cobalt, apres 4 jours. La capacite respective des metaux d e provoquer des symptbmes visuels et d e diminuer la production d e matiere stche suit I'ordre decroissant suivant: CdZ+ > > Zn2+ > NiZ+ > CoZ+. En moins d e 1 jour aprts ['addition d'un exces d e I'un ou I'autre des metaux, les feuilles unifoliees prennent une orientation verticaleplut6t que I'orientation normale horizontale. Chaque metal provoque la fermeture prematuree d e la feuille dans le cycle nyctinastique.Des exces d e cobalt. d e nickel et de zinc provoquent tous, en 2-3 jours, une accumulation nnormale d'amidon dans les feuilles unifolikes. Ces metaux causent aussi un changement majeur vers la formation dans les feuilles (mais non dans les racines) decomposes phenoliques solubles relativement apolaires. En plus d'ctre le metal le plus toxique, le cadmium ne cause ni accumulation d'amidon, ni changement dans la somme des substances phenoliques solubles.[Traduit par le journal] Introduction Yield reduction is a commonly observed reaction of plants exposed to phytotoxic burdens of heavy metals. Such results, which are generally obtained after several weeks of growth, offer little towards our understanding of the mechanismts) of metal toxicity. Effects observed after a few hours or within a day might direct investigations towards the initial and possibly critical rea...