The crystal structure of the complex between ribonuclease T1 and 3'GMP suggests that (a) a substrate GpN is bound to the active site of ribonuclease T1 in a conformation that actively supports the catalytic process, (b) the reaction occurs in an in-line process, (c) His40 NEH' activates 02'-H, (d) Glu58 carboxylate acts as base and His92 NEH' as acid in a general acid-base catalysis.The crystals have the monoclinic space group P2,, a = 4.968 nm, b = 4.833 nm, c = 4.048 nm, p = 90.62" with two molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structure was determined by molecular replacement and refined to R = 15.3% with 11338 data r l a ( F , ) in the resolution range 1.0-0.2 nm; this includes 180 water molecules and two Ca2+. The structure of ribonuclease T1 is as previously observed. 3'GMP is bound in syn conformation; guanine is located in the specific recognition site, the ribose adopts C4'-exo puckering, the ribose phosphate is extended with torsion angle E in trans. The 02'-H group is activated by accepting and donating hydrogen bonds from His40 NEH' and to Glu58 081; the phosphate is hydrogen bonded to Glu58 O E~H , Arg77 NEH' and Ny2H', Tyr38 OyH, His92 NEH'. The conformation of ribose phosphate is such that 02' is at a distance of 0.31 nm from phosphorus, and opposite the P-OP3 bond which accepts a hydrogen bond from His92 NEH' ; we infer from a model building study that this bond is equivalent to the scissile P-05' in a substrate GpN.Ribonuclease T1 (RNase T1) from the fungus Aspergillus oryzae is the key representative of a family of homologous microbial ribonucleases. It has been studied extensively in terms of enzymology (Takahashi and Moore, 1982) and molecular structure (Pace et al., 1991). The chemical function of RNase TI is to cleave the RNA phosphodiester bond specifically at the 3' side of guanosine. The reaction occurs in two steps, first a transesterification to yield oligonucleotides with terminal guanosine 2',3'-monophosphate (2',3'c GPM; Scheme I), and second the hydrolysis of this reaction intermediate to guanosine 3'-monophosphate (3'GMP) (Saenger, 1991).With the present study, we attempted to determine the structure of an enzyme-substrate complex by cocrystallizing RNase T1 with the substrate analogue guanosine-(3')thiophospho(5')uridine (Gp[S]U). In the synthesis of this analogue, two diastereoisomers are obtained with the thiophosphate group in R, and S, configurations (Eckstein et al., 1972). Since the S, isomer is not or only very slowly cleaved by RNase T1, we hoped that it could be cocrystallized with the enzyme to form a non-productive complex.