Summary: The arterial vasculature in the floor region of the mouth and the submandibular region of the crab-eating monkey was studied by the acrylic plastic injection method.1. The titled regions were found to be supplied by the hyoid branch and the sublingual artery arising from the lingual artery, and the submandibular glandular branch, the mylohyoid branch and the submental artery from the facial artery.2. The hyoid branch supplied the mylohyoid and geniohyoid muscles. 3. The sublingual artery sent off the following branches: (1) the genioglossal branch to the genioglossus muscle, (2) the alveolingual artery to a wide area in the floor region of the mouth including several muscles, the sublingual gland and the gingiva and mucosa of the lingual side of the premolar area, (3) the sublingual papillary branch to the papilla, (4) the incisive gingival branch to the lingual gingiva of the lower incisors and canine, (5) the alveolar branch to the lower incisors, and (6) the median inferior labial artery to the lower lip and labial gingiva of the lower incisors.4. The submandibular glandular branch of the facial artery supplied the submandibular gland.5. The mylohyoid branch supplied the mylohyoid and digastric muscles and the lingual gingiva of the lower molars.6. The branches of the submental artery were as follows: (1) the submandibular lymph node branch to the lymph nodes and the skin and muscles in the submandibular region, (2) the digastric branch to the digastric muscle, and (3) the gingival branch to the labial gingiva opposite the canine and lower lateral incisors.