In a previous paper (Blaxter, Watts &Wood, 1952) data were presented which showed that experimental diets could be prepared which, when given to young calves, caused a very high incidence of muscular dystrophy. The present paper is concerned with the composition of muscles and other tissues of these calves.
GeneralThe plan of the experiment, details of experimental animals, their diets and their management were given in the previous paper (Blaxter et al. 1952). The same nomenclature is used here, namely :Group A0.E. Vitamins A and D were supplied in solution in arachis oil; 50 mg Group AO.0. Vitamins A and D were supplied in solution in arachis oil; no Group CL0.E. Vitamins A and D were supplied by cod-liver oil; 50 mg a-tocopheryl Group CLO.0. Vitamins A and D were supplied by cod-liver oil; no vitamin E was a-tocopheryl acetate were given daily.vitamin E was given.acetate were given daily.given. Individual calves are referred to by treatment and replication number.
MethodsPost-mortem methods and details of dissections have been described (Blaxter et al. I 952). The following muscles were analysed chemically : supraspinatus, infraspinatus, available at Downloaded from IP address:, on 10 May 2018 at 08:28:19, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use,
Vol. 6Nutrition of the Ayrshire calf. 9 ' 4 5 long head of triceps, lateral head of triceps, anterior brachial, coraco-radialis, anterior extensor of the metacarpus, biceps femoris, semi-tendinosus, semi-membranosus, rectus femoris, vastus medialis, adductor, gastrocnemius, diaphragm, tongue and heart. Brain and liver were also analysed, but not in such great detail. All tissues were dissected free of tendon and fascia and were macerated in a high-speed blendor. On this fresh material water was estimated by direct drying at 100'; cholesterol and cholesteryl esters by the method of Schoenheimer & Sperry (1934) as modified by Sobel & Meyer (1945); nitrogen by Kjeldahl; acid-soluble, lipid and nucleic-acid phosphorus compounds were separated by the method of Schneider (1945) and the phosphorus was determined by the method of Fiske & Subbarow (1925), creatine by the method of Rose, Helmer & Chanutin (1927) and collagen by the method of Spencer, Morgulis & Wilder (1937). Non-protein and total-globulin nitrogen were determined on isotonic potassium chloride-bicarbonate extracts of the fresh muscle prepared by maceration in a high-speed blendor using tungstic acid as a precipitant. Myosin was estimated through the nitrogen content of the precipitate formed after dilution of the buffer extracts at the iso-electric point of myosin. Stroma proteins were estimated by determination of the nitrogen content of the washed residuum of the extract. On the dried muscle and tissue, fat was determined by extraction with diethyl ether and light petroleum; calcium and magnesium by the method of McCrudden (1911-IZ), iron by the method of Woiwod (1947), sod...