New alloys and their processing methods to increase hardness and wear resistance are constantly being searched. After frictional wear and water suspension testing at various exposure angles, the impact of various composite processing techniques (laser, pulsed plasma, and freezing at −192 °C with varying exposure times from 16 to 24 h in increments of 2 h) on the strength and elasticity of the Ti(0.75)-Al2O3(0.05)-WC(0.2) alloy was investigated. The preservation of qualities after the wear test, particularly after friction, was found to be improved by the laser’s and the pulses’ effects. In comparison to laser processing, pulsed plasma processing increased the material’s hardness, elasticity, compressive strength, and tensile strength for practically all experimental types. The alloy’s tensile strength was at its peak (3.8%), following laser processing, and fell by a maximum of 0.383% when the suspension was used at the highest angle. The attribute that underwent the most beneficial change as a result of pulsed plasma processing was elasticity. This sort of processing produced a final value of 1,482 MPa. Wear-insensitive tests revealed a considerable degradation of the test material’s characteristics. The alloy’s hardness was raised by cryogenic processing. Under exposure to negative temperatures for 24 h, the highest value was attained.