This paper is primarily concerned with the coniparative anatoiiiy of pituitary vessels and nerves. Other aspects of the histology aiid cytology of the gland will also be considered, especially in those species which have received little attention. Except in the niammals, little is known about hypophyseal vessels arid accounts of the innervation of the hypophysis a r e inadequate arid contradictory.Shorter investigatioiis of these structures in some common laboratory mammals (Green and IIarris, '46, '47) , in several amphibians (Green, '47) and in man (Green, '48) have been made. Evidence was brought forward (Green and Harris, '46, '47; Green, '46; Harris, '48) that these vessels a r e SO disposed that they may carry substances f r o m the mediaii eminence to the pars distalis. It was indicated that such an arrangemcrit might be concerned in the regulation of the adenohypophysis by the nervous system and that this hypotliesis did, in fact, accord very well with the experimental evidence. The possibility that the hypophysioportal system may play a p a r t in regulating the activity of the pars distalis has, of course, been foreseen by several observers, e.g. TTiiisep ( '37) , Brooks ( '38) and Harris ( '44). Taubellhaus and ' J o h n and hlnry R. lllnrkle ScIiolar in Medical Sciencr. 2% 226 J O H N DAVIS GREEN PITUITARY VESSELS A N D NERVES 227 numbers in parentheses represent the numbers of spec+iiiiciis. NIaiiy otlier pituitaries were studied in less detail. Cephalochorda : Anvphioxus laiweolatus (36). Cyclostomata : A m m o c e t e s (Entosphenus laiiiotteiiii) (4), Entosphewus lai~otteizii, adult (4) , Ichthyomytaoiz uizicrcspis (1 ), Pctrontyzon, wzarinus (11). Elasmobranchii : Selachii -Sq~ualus acniithias ( 2 ) : Eatoidea -Rnja erivzacca (a), Raja stabuliforiizis ( I ) , R a j a d i a p h a m s (1).