A simple sensor has been developed to detect the early stages of urinary catheter encrustation and avoid the clinical crises induced by catheter blockage. In laboratory models of colonization by Proteus mirabilis, the sensor signaled encrustation at an average time of 43 h before catheters were blocked with crystalline biofilm.The care of many elderly and disabled patients undergoing long-term bladder catheterization is complicated by the encrustation and blockage of their catheters (3, 15). The problem is unpredictable and can result in emergency referrals of patients with urinary retention or incontinence owing to catheter obstruction (5). The main cause of catheter encrustation is infection by urease-producing organisms, particularly Proteus mirabilis (6, 7). These organisms colonize the catheter, forming a biofilm (11, 13). The bacterial urease generates ammonia from urea, and the urine becomes alkaline. Under these conditions, crystals of calcium and magnesium phosphate are formed and a crystalline biofilm develops, which eventually blocks the flow of urine from the bladder (1, 2, 8).Our aim was to develop a simple sensor to signal an early warning of impending catheter encrustation and blockage. The idea was to produce sensors by impregnating polymeric materials with pH indicators. The sensors, located in the catheter drainage system, continuously monitor the pH at the surface of the catheter over a 7-day period (the interval after which the urine drainage bags are usually replaced). Bromothymol blue (BTB) was chosen as the indicator because of its transition from yellow to dark blue over the pH range 6 to 8. A change from an acid to an alkaline reaction at the sensor surface signals infection and biofilm formation by P. mirabilis. The appearance of the signal indicates that action should be taken to avoid an acute clinical episode. Our objectives were to (i) develop polymers suitable for the manufacture of sensors, (ii) test their ability to signal catheter encrustation in laboratory models, and (iii) identify the optimum location for the sensor in the drainage system. The sensors were prepared by dissolving cellulose acetate (Acordis Ltd., Coventry, United Kingdom) in acetone and adding a mixture of BTB (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Mo.) and sulfuric acid. Under these conditions, the BTB becomes covalently bound to the cellulose acetate. Polyethylene glycol was added as a plasticizer and to control the rate of movement of ions through the matrix, thus controlling the response rate of the material to changes in pH. The mixture was spread over a glass plate to allow the polymer mixture to set. Strips (2 cm long by 1 cm wide by 1 mm thick) of the calcium acetate-BTB polymer were then prepared, washed in water to remove residual acid, and stored at 4°C.The bladder model has been described previously (14). It consists of a glass chamber maintained at 37°C by a water jacket. Each model was sterilized by autoclaving, and then a 4.7-mm all-silicone catheter (Bard Ltd., Crawley, United Kingdom) was inserted into the...