It has been demonstrated in our papers (1, 2) that sex difference was observed not only in elevation of NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity in liver cell membranes of CCI,-administered rats, but also in leakage of the enzyme into circulating plasma. Possibility of participation of sex hormones in the elevation may be presumed, since androgens are well known to play an important role in the induction of drug metabolizing enzymes located in liver microsomes (3, 4). The present experiments were undertaken to verify such a participation in the eleva tion of NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity in liver plasma membrane of CCl4-ad ministered rats.
MATERIALS AND METHODSMale and female rats of Donryu S strain weighing 180-200g were used.Under light ether anesthesia, orchiectomy and ovariectomy were performed while controls underwent a sham operation. After operation, all rats were given daily injec tions of penicillin for a period of one week to prevent post-operative suppuration, after which each operated group was subdivided into two groups.With orchiectomized rats, one group was given 17-a-methyltestosterone dissolved in sesame oil in a daily oral dose of 50 mg/kg for a period of one week and the second group was given 1.0 ml/kg of the dissolving oil. The former was confirmed at the end