Mn2+ had about 25 % the activity of Mgz+. With Mgz+ in excess, ADP activated the kinase up to 5-fold as measured by colorimetric or radiotracer assay. With ATP at 5 mM and Mg2+ at 15 m, activity increased with ADP up to 5 mM. If phosphoenolpyruvate plus pyruvate kinase were added to controls, reconverting ADP into ATP, their activity was decreased and an %fold stimulation of activity by ADP was observed. Stimulation was due to an increase in the Vmax. for the reaction rather than a decrease in the K,,, for either ATP or the substrate. It was noted that high concentrations of ATP relative to ADP often decreased the kinase activity, even with excess of Mgz+ present. The ratio of coenzyme to effector appeared to be important and the effect of varying the molar ratio [ATP]/([ATP]+ [ADP]) on activity was measured at various total nucleotide concentrations. Curves similar to that shown in Fig. 2 were obtained. These results show that Pseuabmonus sp. N.C.I.B. 8858 contains an ATP-l-aminopropan-2-01 phosphotransferase, the L-isomer being the preferred substrate. Modulation of activity by ADP (and ATP) indicates a catabolic role for the kinase, probably in aminoacetone catabolism. A biosynthetic role in phospholipid formation has been postulated for an analogous enzyme from rat liver mitochondria (Willetts, 1974), which in contrast is unaffected by ADP, Mg2+ or EDTA and is virtually inactive with ethanolamine.