“…In 1975, Soulier et al [16] re ported that platelets stored at 4°C in the presence of0.1% sodium azide could be used platelets with anti-Zwa and anti-HLA anti in the platelet radioactive antiglobulin test bodies. for 1 year, and later Mueller-Eckhardt et alPlatelets stored at -20°C without the ad- [12,13], who used the same method, found dition of a cryopreservative were useful for that platelets stored in this way could be kept the detection of anti-platelet antibodies in for up to 3 months without loss of antigenic serum of a patient with idiopathic thrombostrength.cytopenic purpura and platelet-unrelated With the 5lCr-release test, Lizak and immune complexes, as reported by KekoGrumet [10] showed that the amount of the mäki [7], as well as for the detection of HLA Zwa (=P1A1) antigens on platelets cryopre-antibodies [8]. served in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) at Platelets preserved at 4°C in azide form -76 °C was the same as on fresh platelets, aggregates [17] and are, therefore, not suitintroduction…”