Banana inflorescence though a high valued vegetable, but its difficulty in extraction of flowers for cooking, restricts its consumption and popularity. Therefore, in order to get a solution from this problematic condition the experiment was conducted with an aim to develop banana inflorescence which would be fresh as well as minimally processed so they can be used instantly. In the present experiment ‘Kanthali’ variety for banana inflorescence was used. The bracts were separated and banana flowers were carefully removed and thereafter they were treated with various chemicals like calcium chloride, citric acid, calcium hypochlorite and even their combinations were also used. The dipping time of the banana inflorescence in the treatments was of around 10 minutes, then after keeping the treated materials under a fan in the laboratory for few minutes they were prepacked and storage was carried in refrigerated condition of 7+20 C temperature and 80-85% relative humidity. The treatments were replicated 3 times and observations for different attributes were carried at different days of storage. From the experiment it was concluded that banana inflorescence treated with combination of calcium hypochlorite, calcium chloride and citric acid was found most superior in retaining various physical and chemical properties and was with least microbial damage throughout the storage period.