The O 2 equilibria of human adult hemoglobin have been measured in a wide range of solution conditions in the presence and absence of various allosteric effectors in order to determine how far hemoglobin can modulate its O 2 affinity. The O 2 affinity, cooperative behavior, and the Bohr effect of hemoglobin are modulated principally by tertiary structural changes, which are induced by its interactions with heterotropic allosteric effectors. In their absence, hemoglobin is a high affinity, moderately cooperative O 2 carrier of limited functional flexibility, the behaviors of which are regulated by the homotropic, O 2 -linked T/R quaternary structural transition of the Monod-Wyman-Changeux/Perutz model. However, the interactions with allosteric effectors provide such "inert" hemoglobin unprecedented magnitudes of functional diversities not only of physiological relevance but also of extreme nature, by which hemoglobin can behave energetically beyond what can be explained by the Monod-Wyman-Changeux/Perutz model. Thus, the heterotropic effector-linked tertiary structural changes rather than the homotropic ligation-linked T/R quaternary structural transition are energetically more significant and primarily responsible for modulation of functions of hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin (Hb)1 has played a pivotal role in the understanding of the mechanisms of allosteric enzymes. Monod et al.(1) designated Hb an honorary enzyme, since it used the same molecule (O 2 ) for signaling as well as regulation. With the advent of detailed molecular structure at atomic levels, the question of enzyme activity became one of molecular mechanism. In the case of an allosteric enzyme, there is a need to assume at least two possible structures, customarily labeled T and R (1), and to regulate ligand affinity in each structure. The first question of signaling is straightforward, for it involves alternate packing of interfaces, for example. Monod's original proposal (1) to assign deoxy-and oxy-Hbs to the T and R states acquired a structural foundation, since crystallographic studies (2) revealed that the three-dimensional molecular structures of deoxy-Hbs and ligated Hbs. The hemoglobin molecule, a heterotetramer, consists of two ␣-and two -subunits, each of which contains one O 2 -binding heme group. These four subunits are paired as two dimers, ␣ 1  1 and ␣ 2  2 . The structural studies showed that deoxy-Hbs and ligated Hbs have two different modes of packing of the two dimers (the quaternary structures) with no major changes in the gross conformation of each of the subunits (the tertiary structures). Thus, Perutz (3) assigned "deoxy" and "oxy" Hbs to T and R quaternary states, which exhibited low and high O 2 affinity, respectively.The second question concerning regulation is the deeper one, and for Hb it has proved remarkably elusive. The essence of the question is to find a way in the low affinity T (deoxy) state to store free energy that is made available to bind ligands in the high affinity R (oxy) state. The MWC/Perutz stereochemical model...