A field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Stattion, Amadalavalasa to identify a suitable sunhemp variety and sowing window during Khariff or obtaining higher yields in North Coastal Andhra Pradesh. The soil of experimental site was sandy loam in texture, medium in alkaline reaction (pH: 8.24), non-saline (EC: 0.22 dS m-1), low in organic carbon (0.5%), low in available nitrogen (219.3 kg ha-1), low in available phosphorus (22.18 kg P2O5 ha-1) and medium in available potassium (268.3 kg K2O ha-1). The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with four main plot treatments, three subplot treatments and with three replications. The main treatments comprised of four dates of sowing viz., D1: 1st may,D2:15th may,D3:1st june and D4: 15th june. The sub plot treatments comprised of three varieties viz., V1: K12 yellow, V2: K12 black and V3: SH 4. All the cultural practices were adopted as per the recommendations of University. The results of the experiment indicated that growth and yield of sunhemp was significantly influenced by variety as well as date of sowing. It was evident that sowing of sunhemp in North Coastal AndhraPradesh on 15th June was optimum as it recorded shorter plant height (224.8 cm), early flowering i.e flower initiation at 80 days, 50% flowering in 91 days, higher plant population and significantly higher seed yield (2.35 q/ha) was recorded. Among the varieties tested SH 4 produced taller plants exhibited early flowering and finally recorded significantly higher seed yield (2.16 q/ha). However, plant population did not vary significantly among the varieties. Interaction between dates of sowing and varieties indicated that for seed crop K12 black and SH 4 of sunhemp can be sown between 1st june to 15th June in North Coastal Andhra Pradesh for getting higher seed yield of sunhemp as the seed yield of the above two varieties and dates of sowing were atpar.