Ten species of the order
with validly published names are devoid of living type strains. Four species of the genus
are represented by dead herbarium samples as the type material. For a species of the genus
and two species of the genus
, no physical type material was assigned at the time of validation of the names or later on. In accordance with rule 18f of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria the following type strains are designated for these species: strain Cm a14T ( = DSM 14605T = JCM 12615T) as the type strain of
Chondromyces apiculatus
, strain Cm c5T ( = DSM 14714T = JCM 12616T) as the type strain of
Chondromyces crocatus
, strain Sy t2T ( = DSM 14631T = JCM 12617T) as the type strain of
Chondromyces lanuginosus
, strain Cm p51T ( = DSM 14607T = JCM 12618T) as the type strain of
Chondromyces pediculatus
, strain Me b8T ( = DSM 14713T = JCM 12633T) as the type strain of
Melittangium boletus
, strain Pl s12T ( = DSM 14670T = JCM 12637T) as the type strain of
Polyangium sorediatum
and strain Pl sm5T ( = DSM 14734T = JCM 12638T) as the type strain of
Polyangium spumosum
. Furthermore, the type strains given for three species of the genera
had been kept at one university institute and have been lost according to our investigations. In accordance with Rule 18c of the Bacteriological Code, we propose the following neotype strains: strain Cb fe18 ( = DSM 14716 = JCM 12624) as the neotype strain of
Cystobacter ferrugineus
, strain Cb m2 ( = DSM 14751 = JCM 12627) as the neotype strain of
Cystobacter minus
and strain Pl fu5 ( = DSM 14668 = JCM 12636) as the neotype strain of
Polyangium fumosum
. The proposals of the strains are based on the descriptions and strain proposals given in the respective chapters of Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (2005).