Three unknown Tetracotyle metacercariae , collected from piscme host, have been described. Tetracotyle pandei n.sp., Tetracotyle srivastavai n.sp, and Tetracotyle ramalingi n.sp. were collected from the visceral organs and musculature of Channa punctatus (BI.). They are characterised by the shape and position of pseudosuckers, shape of hold fast organ and hold fast gland, number and position of genital rudiment and pattern of reserve excretory system.Keywords. Tetracotyle pandei n.sp.,; Tetracotylc srivastavai n.sp.; Tetracotyle ramalingi n.sp. ; metacercariae ; Channa punctatus (BI.).Tetracotyle pandei" n, sp Host: Channa punctatus (Bl.) Location : mesenteries and liver of infected host Locality: Lucknow Number of host examined : 55 Number of host found infected: 3 Measurements in mm, Cyst-l'22-1 '24 X 0 '75-0 '76, outer layer-l '22-1 '24 X 0'75-0'76, middle layer-0'66-Q'69 and inner layer-Q'44-Q'46 X 0'24-0'26. Body-I'80-1'82 X 1'32-1'33 (live) and 0'52-0'57 X 0'40-0'50 (fixed). Oral sucker-O'13-0'14 (live) and 0'07-0'08 (fixed). Ventral sucker 0'19-0'20 (live) and 0 '09-0 '10 (fixed).Pharynx-O '04-0 '07 (live) and 0 '02-0 '03 (fixed). Pseudosucker-e-Or l Sc-Or.l S X 0'13-Q'14 (fixed). Hold fast organ-0'08-O'09 X 0'05-Q'06 (fixed).Oval cyst (figure I) three layered. Outer layer thick, fibrous, tough and pigmented, middle and inner layers thin. Body (figure 2) aspinose, with broad anterior and narrow posterior ends. Ventral sucker equatorial, larger. Large triangular pseudosucker one pair, posterior to oral sucker. Host fast gland triangular, deeply stained cell mass. Mouth terminal. Pharynx round and muscular.• The species has been named in honour of Late Prof. B P Pande.