The importance of measuring arsenic (As) species has been appreciated for a long time mainly because of the wide spread knowledge of arsenic's toxicity and its use as a poison. Increasingly health, environmental and food regulations have been written around As species rather than total concentrations. Knowledge of As speciation is important as the chemical form of As controls its bioavailability, toxicity, mobility and therapeutic benefits. Arsenic is present as inorganic (arsenate, arsenite, thioarsenates), complexed (arsenic glutathionines and phytochelatins), low molecular weight (monomethylarsonate, dimethylarsenite, arsenobetaine, arsenocholine etc.) and high molecular weight ( arsenic hydrocarbons and arsenic phospholipids) species. In this review we cover the intergrity of As species during collection, storage, sample preparation and measurement by HPLC-ICPMS and HPLC-HG-AFS. The major conclusion is that it is essential to ensure that As species, especially in waters and sediments, are not artefacts of the preservation or extraction procedure. Most biota and sediment samples can be stored frozen (-20 o C), but the stability of water and sediment samples is matrix dependent and depends on preservation technique applied. Arsenic cannot be extracted from samples using a single set of conditions but must be optimised for each sample type. Methanol-water mixtures with microwave heating are commonly used to extract polar As species from tissues while As-lipids required a non-polar solvent. Dilute acid can be used to increase the efficiencies of extraction of hard to extract tissue As species. Freeze drying is suitable for the drying of biotic material while sediments should not be dried before analysis. Extraction efficiencies are critically dependent on particle size. Polar As species have a wide variety of ionic characteristics thus complimentary chromatographic 4 Understanding the action of a chemical species in a food stuff or nutritional supplement: As mentioned above, some food regulations require specification of the active ingredient of foodstuffs or supplements. However, another important reason for determining the chemical species is to understand the beneficial action of an element. For example, many food stuffs are promoted for their anti-carcinogenic activity [8]. Evaluation of the role of As in preventing cancers has required the active species to be identified [8,9].Increasingly health, environmental and food regulations have been written around a knowledge of As species rather than total concentrations. In the environment, As is present as inorganic (arsenate (As(V)), arsenite (As(III)), thioarsenates), complexed, (As glutathionines (AsGSH) and phytochelatins (AsPC)), low molecular weight [monomethylarsonate (MA), dimethylarsenite (DMA), arsenobetaine (AB), arsenocholine (AC) etc.] and higher molecular weight (As hydrocarbons and As phospholipids) species (Table 1). Volatile As species (TMAs, As-hydrides) are also produced by bacteria and fungi [10,11].Arsenic is present in all organisms, but is ...