Thyroid swelling is one of the most common indications for surgical excision. Since most of the swellings are benign and with euthyroid status, these patients do not require surgical excision. Fine needle aspiration cytology is a rapid, efficient, inexpensive and safe diagnostic method in these cases. FNAC has some limitations, particularly limited to representatives of samples and exact typing of benign and malignant neoplastic lesions. Thus, FNAC alone may not give a confirmative diagnosis regarding few thyroid lesions. Hence, histopathological study has been the standard technique for the diagnosis of thyroid lesions. To study the accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of thyroid swellings and to correlate with histopathology so as to avoid unnecessary surgeries for benign lesions.This was a prospective study done on 55 cases wherein Fine Needle Aspiration cytology was done followed by histopathology. The reports on both modalities were correlated and sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were calculated. In the present study, females (72.7%) outnumbered males (27.2%). Non neoplastic lesions constituted 83.3% in our study. Among Non-neoplastic lesions, Nodular goiter was most commonly reported and constituted 49% cases. The sensitivity and specificity for thyroid FNAC are reasonably good. FNAC is a minimally invasive, low cost testing modality. It accurately diagnoses malignant thyroid lesions. It has good specificity and accuracy but is less sensitive in diagnosing definitive etiology. However, it is an important diagnostic test to guide the management of thyroid lesions.