Based on theoretical and long-term field researche, the article provides assessment of the management of engineering and technical structures of the Zhinvali hydroengeneering complex. The methodology and quantitative assessment of the risk of loss resulting from accidents at hydraulic structures are described. The implementation of the recommendations of scientific researche related to the protection of the waters of the Zhinvali reservoir will allow to extend its service life for at least another twenty years, which, subject to one-time-only investments in protection measures in the amount of 35 million GEL (1 USA Dollar - 2,90 GEL), will provide an opportunity to bring the amount of direct and indirect loss prevented to 25 million GEL per year. The calculation showed that rational management of the reservoir will allow, with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 42%, to accumulate net present value (NPV) in the amount of 87.6 million GEL over twenty additional years of operation, which in turn indicates a high efficiency of investments in the protection of reservoir waters.