1IntroductionEpigenetic modificationsi nD NA result in chemical alterations of the nucleic bases withouta ny change in the DNAs equence [1].T he best knowne pigenetic modification is cytosine methylation,w hose role is not fully understood yet, although it is well-accepted that methylation functions controls the gene expression and the protection of the host organism against expression of undesired sequences [2] Carcinogens comprise ad iverse group of chemicals which are able to react with nucleophilic sites (electron rich, S, Na nd Oa toms), in DNAa nd proteins.I ti s known that DNAa dduct formation occurs at nucleophilic sites in DNA, and the N7-position of guanine (G) is the most reactive of these nucleophilic sites [7].N 7-guanine adductsa re chemically unstable and the N7-position does not participatei nW atson Crick base pairing, so N7-guanine adducts are classified as non-promutagenic with minimal biological relevance [8].E ven thought hese adducts are innocuous,t he development of analytical methods for detecting 7mG has great biological importance since as the levels of methylation of guanine increase due to the presence of methylating agents,this increment can be correlated to pro-mutagenic and carcinogenic, such as O6-methylguaninea nd methyladenine [9].T herefore,7 mG can servea sb iomarker of internal exposure to methylating agents, [ 10].M oreover, it has been also reported that the presenceo f7 mG in excretion increasedi nl aboratory animals after exposure to methylating agents [11] and also was highera mong smokers than among nonsmokers [12].C onsequentlyi ti si mportant to improve the analytical methodologiesf or the 7mG determination,s ince it could be used as acancer biomarker.Differentt echnologies have been usedf or analysis of N7-guanine adducts,s uch as,c hromatography [13],h igh pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) [14],3 2P-postlabelingm ethods [15],g as chromatography [16] or liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry [17].H owever, althought hesem ethods are sensitive enough, they are time-consuming and theirc osts made them economically unfeasible for routine implementation. Fort hat reason electrochemical methods are very promising tools for DNAs tudies since they are easy to implement,y et providing rapid and accurate results while beinge conomically viable to be routinely implemented.H owever, these electrochemical methodss till require improvements in terms of reproducibility and repeatability.Very few examplesc an be found in the literature regarding the electrochemicald etermination of this alkylatAbstract:T he determination of 7-methylguanine (7mG) is an interesting analyticalt arget since its quantification can be correlated with the methylation of cytosine which is one of the most relevant epigenetic modificationo f DNA. In this work, screen-printedg raphite electrodes were used to study the electrochemicalc haracterization of 7mG by cyclic and square wave voltammetry.7 mG concentration and pH were examined, as well as the repeatability of the measurements.T he electroche...