In bulk n-GaAs epilayers doped near the metal-insulator transition, we study the evolution of electron spin lifetime τs as a function of applied lateral electrical bias Ex. τs is measured via the Hanle effect using magneto-optical Kerr rotation. At low temperatures (T < 10K, where electrons are partially localized and τs > 100 ns at zero bias), a marked collapse of τs is observed when Ex exceeds the donor impact ionization threshold at ∼10 V/cm. A steep increase in the concentration of warm delocalized electrons -subject to Dyakonov-Perel spin relaxation -accounts for the rapid collapse of τs, and strongly influences electron spin transport in this regime. 72.25.Dc, 72.25.Rb, 79.20.Kz The discovery of very long electron spin lifetimes, τ s , in GaAs has helped motivate considerable interest in semiconductor-based spintronic devices [1]. Studies of bulk n-GaAs have established that, in the absence of any applied electric field, long spin lifetimes in the range τ s =100-300 ns are associated with cryogenic temperatures and electron doping in the range of the metalinsulator transition (n MIT ≃ 2 × 10 16 cm −3 ) [2,3,4,5]. Several prototype devices operating at low temperatures have therefore incorporated n-GaAs doped in this range [6,7,8,9,10,11,12]. This is, however, precisely the doping and temperature regime where carrier transport becomes highly nonlinear due to electron localization (freeze-out) and subsequent impact ionization of donorbound electrons at quite modest applied electric fields of order 10 V/cm [13,14]. Since future spin-transport devices may employ electrical biases on (at least) this order, a bias-dependent study of τ s through the threshold of donor impact ionization is important for device design and for the characterization of spin transport in n-type semiconductors in general.Here we measure τ s as a function of temperature and applied electrical bias E x in bulk epilayers of n-GaAs doped near the metal-insulator transition. τ s is obtained from Hanle depolarization measurements using the magneto-optical Kerr effect. At low temperatures, τ s drops dramatically at the threshold of donor impact ionization at E x ≃ 10 V/cm. At this threshold, which coincides with marked nonlinearities in the samples' currentvoltage (I-V ) characteristics, the electron ensemble becomes largely delocalized (and warm) and the DyakonovPerel spin relaxation mechanism dominates.Three silicon-doped bulk n-GaAs epilayers were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (001)-oriented GaAs substrates. The dopings and thicknesses are: 1 × 10 16 cm −3 (1 µm thick), 5 × 10 16 cm −3 (1 µm thick), and 4 × 10 15 cm −3 (15 µm thick). These samples allow study of the bias-dependent spin lifetime both above and below the metal-insulator transition (MIT). The inset of Figure 1(a) shows the experimental geometry. The samples are mounted, strain-free, on the cold finger of an optical cryostat. Ohmic contacts of annealed indium or AuGeNi permit application of an in-plane electric field, E x . Spinpolarized electrons are optically inject...