Abstract. Charm asymmetries in fixed-target hadroproduction experiments are sensitive to power corrections to the QCD factorization theorem for heavy quark production. A power correction called heavy-quark recombination has recently been proposed to explain these asymmetries. In heavy-quark recombination, a light quark or antiquark participates in a hard scattering which produces a charm-anticharm quark pair. The light quark or antiquark emerges from the scattering with small momentum in the rest frame of the charm quark, and together they hadronize into a charm particle. The cross section for this process can be calculated within perturbative QCD up to an overall normalization. Heavy-quark recombination explains the observed D meson and Λ c asymmetries with a minimal set of universal nonperturbative parameters.In this talk I will discuss asymmetries in the production of charm particles in fixedtarget hadroproduction experiments [1,2,3,4,5]. These asymmetries are much larger than predicted by perturbative QCD calculations, so they are a sensitive probe of nonperturbative aspects of heavy particle production. Asymmetries in the production of light particles such as pions and kaons have also been observed, but the production of particles containing heavy quarks is under better theoretical control. When the mass of the quark is heavier than Λ QCD , as is the case for charm, perturbative QCD can be applied even when the particle is produced without large transverse momentum. In addition, nonperturbative effects can be organized in an expansion in Λ QCD /m c .The differential cross-section for the production of a charm particle, H, in the collision of two hadrons, A and B, is believed to factorize in the following manner [6] Here i, j denote partons, f i/A and f j/B are parton distribution functions, D c→H is the fragmentation function for c hadronizing into H and dσ[ij → cc + X] is a perturbatively calculable short-distance cross section. The ellipsis represents corrections to the factorized form of the cross section that are suppressed by Λ QCD /m c , or possibly Λ QCD /p ⊥ if p ⊥ ≫ m c . †