INTRODUCTIONAs wireless technology advances, it is expected that multiband operation will become the future key requirement for many radio subsystems and components. Taking into consideration the merits of microstrip antennas, including their low profile, low cost, and ease of manufacturing, it can be expected that some wireless systems will be using dual-band microstrip patch antennas in the future.Past studies related to microstrip patch antennas can be classified into two main categories: single-layer and multilayer patch antennas. In both categories, the development of broadband and multiband microstrip antennas is possible, as reported in the literature [1][2][3][4][5]. However, the main problem in many cases is maintaining uniformity of the radiation pattern and input impedance over the operating bands.This paper is concerned with dual-band stacked microstrip patch antennas and, in particular, addresses the effects of the displacement of the upper patch in the resonant direction on the operating frequencies, input impedance, and radiation patterns.
RESULTSThe generic structure of the stacked microstrip patch antenna is shown in Figure 1. It is a two-layer structure with both patches having identical dimensions. The feeding, which is through a microstrip line, is restricted to the lower patch and, hence, the upper patch is electromagnetically coupled to the lower patch. Provided that the upper dielectric layer is not very thick, the coupling between the two patches is strong and the stacked microstrip patch antenna acts as a dual-frequency antenna.The performance of the antenna is simulated using Momentum ADS software by Agilent Technologies [6], which is a full-wave electromagnetic solver based on the method of moments (MoM). As shown in Figure 1, the physical and electrical parameters of the antenna analysed in this work are: L ϭ 3.7 cm, W ϭ 4.5 cm, d ϭ 0.159 cm, r ϭ 2.5 cm, and tan␦ ϭ 0.0025. Figure 1 shows the displacement Xs of the upper patch with respect to the lower patch in the resonant direction.The validity of the simulation is checked, initially, by comparing the simulated and measured input impedances of the antenna when the displacement Xs ϭ 1 cm is considered (see Fig. 2). The measurement results were presented in a previous work [1]. From Figure 2, it is clear that there is generally a good agreement between the simulation and measurement results. In fact, as far as the resonant frequencies are concerned, at the lower resonance the two results are in close agreement and at the upper resonance they are within 3% of each other. Any discrepancies in the measured and simulated values of the input impedances are mainly due to the feeding mechanisms, which are different in the simulations and measurements. In the measurements, coaxial feed has been used [1].The effects of the displacement of the upper patch on the input impedance and resonant frequency were then simulated for a set of values of Xs. Figure 3 shows the variation of the real part of the input impedance with the displacement of the upp...