Recent advancements in the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) enable higher switching speeds in power electronics and have improved the power conversion efficiency significantly. Hence, pulse width modulated (PWM) variable frequency drives (VFDs) are widely used in modern control of electro-mechanical drive systems. On the other hand, higher switching frequencies cause the presence of high-frequency commonmode (CM) voltage, which results in unwanted CM current flows through the motor bearing and leads to premature motor bearing failures, such as frosting, fluting and pitting. SPWM Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation VFD Variable-frequency Drive VNA Vector Network Analyzer This thesis is organized as follows: This chapter provides the introduction, background and motivation of the thesis. Chapter 2 gives a review of the bearing degradation issues for inverter-fed motor drive systems and commonly adopted mitigation methods. The causes of bearing voltage and four types of bearing currents are described in detail for the readers to appreciate the