To answer these questions in light of the MRIO model, this paper presents a study of environmental injustice affecting the global economy. Practical ideas and lifespan measurements are often used in studies of the embodied carbon industry. The input-output table method is an important method for industrial embodied carbon research, which can be divided into the regional input-output table method, bilateral input-output table method, and multiregional input-output table method. Bilateral and multistakeholder consultations are more accurate than regional proposals. Therefore, when studying the carbon industry implied by the two countries, the input-output table of the two countries is usually used, and the multilateral input-output table is more reliable for determining the input-output calculation. Therefore, when studying local problems, it is advisable to adopt a variety of display strategies. The results show that in 2010, the carbon content of the carbon industry was 26,593 thousand tons, down 34.6% from 17,383 thousand tons in 2011, calculated at 2%. From 2012 to 2018, the carbon content grew from 31,051 tons in 2014 to 84,248 tons in 2018, with an average annual increase rate of 18%. The experimental results show that there is a large incidence of carbon emissions in the bilateral trade between China, the United States, and Japan. The expansion of export industries is the main reason for the increase in carbon emissions between the two industries. The role of technology has narrowed this difference to some extent.