Thermally-enhanced soil vapor extraction (T-SVE) combined with sand mixing is an alternative technology for remediating low-permeable soil polluted by organic contaminants. In this study, a T-SVE apparatus with a large heating cylinder was constructed for exploring removal mechanisms of typical petroleum hydrocarbons of n-C 11 and C 13 − 16 alkanes, and dynamics of heat propagation within soils during T-SVE operation was simulated by CMG-STARS software. After 6 days of T-SVE, most of the soil concentration-gradient curves of n-alkanes almost coincided with their isothermal contours, suggested the crucial role of thermal conductivity on T-SVE remediation e ciency. The mass transfer of n-alkanes from thermally-treated soil to extraction well represented an irregular pulsed mode. Released gas-phase of n-alkanes sometimes increased rapidly by 1-2 orders of magnitudes and then quickly decreased. Trivial impact of soil organic matter on heat transfer was observed. n-alkanes were more easily eliminated from soil with lower organic matter due to the less retention of them. By contrast, the higher soil moisture retarded heat transfer in the initial 2 days attributed to the heat consumption induced by water evaporation and n-alkane volatilization. In the next 4 days, soil pores occupied by water were gradually displaced by air, leading to accelerated heat transfer and evaporation of n-alkane and therefore promoted eventual remediation e ciency of T-SVE. Suitable original soil moisture is important for T-SVE remediating low-permeable soil combined with sand mixing.