The study was carried out at Forest College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu, India using four different age gradations viz. ten, twenty, thirty and forty year old Ceiba pentandra wood samples. About one meter length billets from the felled sample trees were collected from each tree for analysis of pulpwood properties. The billet was debarked, cleaned and labelled for analysis. Four different age gradations of C. pentandra were subjected to physical and chemical analysis in order to recommend suitable rotation age for pulp and paper production. The physical properties viz. bulk and basic density, all the age gradations were moderate to high in range which indicated their suitability as pulp wood. In the chemical analysis, the lignin content was significant parameter which was also moderate for all the age gradations and hence proved their suitability. Considering this factor the result is investigated that the superiority of fifty year old wood was evident. The highest basic density (438.00 kg /m 3 ) and bulk density (255.00 kg /m3) and lowest moisture content (10.50 per cent) was observed in forty year old wood samples. The chemical analysis in terms of ash content recorded was highest in ten year old sample (0.95 per cent). Among four, the highest fibre length was observed in forty year old (1219.92 μm) wood sample which is best for pulp and paper making.