The experimental results from the various reaction and decay studies leading to nuclides in the A=157 mass chain have been reviewed. These data are summarized and presented, together with adopted level schemes and properties.
General Policies and Organization of Material: See the introductory pages.General Comments: There are several experiments reported in this evaluation that need additional work, or the data are unpublished.1. The data for the following are from private communications: 157 Pm β -decay to 157 Sm, 157 Sm β -decay to 157 Eu, and 157 Er ε decay to 157 Ho.2. The decay scheme for 157 Tm ε decay to 157 Er is not well established.3. For (HI,xnγ ) in 157 Er the location of the bands within the level scheme is not established at this time.4. There is no decay scheme for the 157 Lu ε decay to 157 Yb.