Fertilizer use supports productivity in arable farming. However, improper use of inorganic fertilizers can harm the environment, accelerate climate change and slow down the achievement of the 13th SDG. This study examined the use of farm demonstration in improving maize farmers’ perception of organic fertilizer use in the five major towns in Ikenne LGA of Ogun state. Sixty-five maize farmers were selected for the study using multistage sampling technique. Demonstration plots were established near the farmers to observe the agronomic impact of organic fertilizer use. Results showed that respondents’ average farm size was less than 1 hectare, 58% had undulating or sloppy lands which are vulnerable to degradation. Only 22% of the farmers mostly use organic fertilizers which they source from unprocessed animal waste. Only 32% of the farmers are aware of commercially processed organic fertilizers. Using the pair-sample t-test, the perception level of the farmers at the end of the demonstration was significantly higher than before the demonstration (t = 14.87, p <0.05). The study recommended that perception enhancing intervention be introduced to farmers in order to increase the use of clean and safe commercially available fertilizers.