Landfills taking into account current trends in the placement of innovative liquidation technologies on their territory with a variety of energy-intensive technological equipment pose an additional technogenic danger. This requires a set of measures to prevent emergencies of the cascade type of distribution, due to the shift of the slope of the waste masses with the subsequent explosion of biogas.
Analysis of existing approaches to modeling the conditions of solid waste landfills proves the lack of comprehensive studies to assess the effectiveness of solid waste landfills in the case of the introduction of additional technological energy-intensive technological equipment.
In the course of the work the author considers the physical conditions of emergency prevention at the landfill in the conditions of a separate task of involving liquidation energy-intensive technological equipment. Depending on the location of the specified equipment in relation to the landfill, emergencies of cascade type may occur due to the shift of waste masses with the subsequent explosion of biogas.
In the course of the work the author developed a control algorithm for the implementation of a mathematical model of cascade type emergency prevention at solid waste landfills with liquidation energy-intensive technological equipment due to loss of stability of the slope of the waste array to landslide followed by biogas explosion. The control algorithm consists of 18 analytical blocks, which are located on two levels and are interconnected by direct and feedback. In order to further practical application of the control algorithm, it is necessary to develop an appropriate methodology, the implementation of which should effectively counteract the emergency situation with priority consequences, such as the number of victims, the number of deaths, the number of people with impaired living conditions.
Keywords: landfill, emergency prevention, liquidation energy-intensive technological equipment, explosion, landslide