This study was conducted to evaluate four different parental oriental varieties with their F 1 crosses to estimate inheritance of some morphological traits, such as plant hight, number of leaves, total dry weigh and chemical compounds, especially nicotine and sugars during sun-curing period. The oriental varieties Kozarsko 541, Plovdiv 50 and Krumovgrad 17 from Bulgaria and Basma Xanthi 101 from Greece and their respective crosses with Basma Xanthi 101 were studied. The study was set up in 2014 and 2015 in experimental field of the Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute, Plovdiv, using randomized block design with four replications. Common agricultural practices were applied during the growing season. The result indicated that in hybrid combination with parental varieties Kozarsko 541 and Plovdiv 50, except total dry weight, additive gene effects are important for traits height of plant and number of leaves. Height of plant and number of leaves are inherited partially dominant to parent with higher value and total dry weight inheritance was over dominant. In hybrid combination Krumovgrad 17 × Basma Xanthi 101, inheritance of the plant height and leaves number were over dominant type. Total dry weight is inherited partially dominant. In a word, prevailing mode for inheritance of plant hight and total dry weight was the over dominance and for number of leaves it was partial dominance. In sun-curing with yellowing stage, nicotine decreased and sugars increased in all tested varieties with a highest percentage in variety Kozarsko 541 (nicotine) and Krumovgrad 17 (sugars).