Absfrucf-The soft X-ray emission from plasmas produced in polyacetal and polyethylene capillary discharges excited by current pulses 100 ns FWHM, 50 ns risetime, and peak currents up to 60 kA has been studied. Time-resolved spectra show discharges, peaking shortly after the maximum of the current and vanishing before the end of the current pulse. Polvacetal the collisional recombination of highly ionized species into ions of lower charge, and could possibly produce population inversions and amplification. The symmetriPlasma could help to waveguide the x-ray emissionthat intense CVI line emission dominate in the polyethylene tally concave profile Of the density in the Of sDecial interest is the generation of discharee-extected in coincidence-with the onset of the discharge. The re-bination of totallv ionized atoms into hinhlv excited levelssuks are discussed in relation to the possibility of obtaining soft X-ray amplification by plasma recombination in a capillary discharge plasma column.of hydrogenic i& followed by collisional electron deexcitation generates a population inversion between the levels of the 3-2 transition.