EC guest scientist, now at DESY, Hamburg production is estimated.An upper limit of the cross section for the colour-charge-exchange mechanism of backward proton of the secondary pion absorption can be fitted by a power dependence ot AB, with [3 = 0.27 dz a nucleon pair in the nuclear medium, 1r+(pn) -» *5 p and 1r°(pp) -> *5 p. It is found that the share (44:t6)% for Au) of the backward proton production can be attributed to secondary pion absorption angles. From the two-proton correlations, it is found, that a significant part ((2614)% for Al and and Au nuclei at 250 GeV/c. The proton momentum spectra are measured at different emission Abstract. Backward proton production is studied in interactions of 7r+ and K + mesons with Al not a candidate for a quasi-elastic or coherent interaction with the nucleus. The events are weighted OCR Output vertex is within one of the nuclear foils; the event is satisfactorily measured and reconstructed and isThe following selection criteria are used for the events (see details in [16,17]): the interaction was estimated visually on the scanning table.spectrometer. For reconstructed tracks with lab momentum pm, < 1.2 GeV/c, the ionization strength 2% for tracks reconstructed in the bubble chamber and from 1 to 2.5% for those reconstucted in the measurement in RCBC. The average momentum resolution for charged particles varies from 1 to backward tracks (i.e. tracks with a lab. frame production angle 0],,,, > 900) are reconstructed from from hits in the wire and drift chambers of the spectrometer and from measurement in RCBC. The Tracks of secondary charged particles, leaving RCBC through the exit window, are reconstructed window of the chamber.length. The foils were placed side by side, orthogonally to the beam, 15.5 cm behind the entrance gold foil of thickness 2.5 mm and 0.64 mm, respectively, corresponding to 0.5 % of an interaction cylinder axis. The RCBC was equipped with two nuclear targets consisting of an aluminium and a vertex and track detector, as well as an ionization device. A 2T magnetic field was applied along the A rapid cycling bubble chamber RCBC, 80 cm in diameter and filled with hydrogen, was used asThe experimental set-up of EHS is described in detail in [13], the data reduction procedure in [14][15][16]. (253:8)% and (1718)%, respectively [3]. The second class are two (or multi)-step mechanisms of this mechanism has experimentally been estimated for 1xNe and 17Ne -interactions and found to be (or more) nucleons or multiquark compositions in the nucleus (see e.g. [1,2]). The contribution of distinguished. The first one is a "direct" (spectator type) mechanism of projectile collision with two in which two or more nucleons of the nucleus are involved. Two classes of these processes can be takes place on a free nucleon. Selecting on backward protons, one therefore can select processes