Reactivity and transport properties can be traced back to materials parameters and control parameters. As far as the concentrations of electronic and ionic charge carriers are concerned, partial pressures P of the components, temperature T, and dopant content C are the most important control parameters. While their influence is often well-understood on a phenomenological level, the understanding of materials parameters such as enthalpies and entropies of reaction or activation usually requires an atomistic analysis. Phenomenological relationships connecting these parameters are very rare and, if established, extremely useful. The most prominent examples stem from organic solution chemistry, for example, the effect of substrate substitution on aromatic reactions (cf. the Hammett equation) or the Brönsted catalysis relation. [1] These equations make use of a linear correlation between free activation enthalpy and free reaction enthalpy. Specifically, when enthalpies instead of free enthalpies are considered, this may be termed an Evans-Polanyi relationship.[2] A few attempts to verify linear (free) energy relationships in solidstate chemistry have been reported, [3] but without deeper insight into the mechanistic details or a conclusive correlation between data and model. Here we unambiguously demonstrate the validity of such a linear (free) energy relationship for inorganic solid-state reactions.The interaction of gaseous O 2 with oxides is of technical relevance as well as of fundamental interest, and tracer experiments are an important tool for its investigation. The oxygen incorporation comprises the surface reaction from O 2 to oxide ions in the first bulk layer, and subsequent diffusion of oxide ions within the bulk. A surprising and strongly debated relationship between the experimentally determined effective surface rate constant k * and oxygen tracer diffusion coefficient D* was found for the family of (La 1Àx Sr x )(Mn 1Ày-Co y )O 3Àz , (La 1Àx Sr x )(Fe 1Ày Co y )O 3Àz , and (Sm 1Àx Sr x )CoO 3Àz