Tlic papcr. introdvccs U mcthod for ,identificution of M I S O systems ,with firiitc impulse responses ( M A ) frosin the well known C(q, k ) formule for tlic SISO s:ystcms [l], ,which ,works for. tlic MA rriot1cl.s only. The ory condition for o w rrictlioil is, tliut u11 trans-U S ,~J thCd o c'U V k d U 71 ts . The TM!thod 'W US d t~i t l cd uciriuiice unolysis computing tlic third-order cum,ulant of tlic output siyiul for thc! superirriposcd systems is discussed shortly u s ,well. Sirrrulutions confirm thut under the ncccssury conditions the method 'works 'well, hut the uurlancc of idcntificutioTL results of the S~U t ) S Cyuc'lkt chU'll'lld rCSpOTlScS yr.0'U.S Urid 'Uc'ry lorly O U t P U t signub huuc to be upplicd for culculution of thc thCrdor.dcr cum*ulunts of tlic output siyriul Cii M I S 0 system.