In this work, a mathematical model for stable and metastable transformation of SG cast iron, coupling with microsegregation of some elements and latent heat resulted from different phase formation, was presented. The quantitative experimental results of specimens obtained from a step-shape sample casting were compared with the simulation, and two results of nodular counts and sizes agreed quite well. For white eutectic growth in mottled SG iron, the frequent impingement of white eutectic with austenitegraphite bulks might suppress its growth remarkably and result in quite lower growth rate than that from the melt exclusively. Meanwhile, the relationship of morphology of carbides and solidification was discussed, and it was indicated that the growth of white eutectic and carbide morphology could also be predicted by solidification simulation. It was found that neglecting silicon microsegregation, if metastable transformation was advantageous to stable, the simulated carbide fraction was higher, and vice versa.KEY WORDS: spheroidal graphite cast iron; stable and metastable microstructure; eutectic transformation; modeling and simulation.ously, and may grow first freely and then surrounded by austenite shells. Considering the carbon diffusion and limited convection of liquid in front of liquid and graphite interface of Fig. 1, the growth rate of graphite spheres without austenite shell can be computed as follows:.... (5) where R t G is radii of graphite spheres (m) (superscript t and tϪdt are the calculation time) r l , and r G are densities of liquid and graphite (kg/m 3 ), D l C is diffusion coefficient of carbon in liquid (m 2 /s), C ළ l and C G are carbon content of initial liquid and graphite (%), C l * is carbon content of liquid in equilibrium with graphite and equals to C l/G approximately (Fig. 1), and d is thickness of carbon diffusion boundary layer in front of liquid-graphite interface (m).After the nodule was encapsulated by the austenite shell, its growth is dominated by the diffusion. 9) On the basis of carbon diffusion through the shell, the growth rates of bulks and graphite spheres were given as follows 10) :........... (6) ....... (7) where R g is radii of austenite shell of eutectic bulk, D C g is diffusion coefficient of carbon in austenite, r g is density of austenite, C g/l and C l/ g are carbon concentration of austenite and liquid in liquid-austenite interface respectively, and C g/G is carbon concentration of austenite in equilibrium with graphite.The growth of graphite spheres during eutectoid transformation could be determined by calculating the growth of ferrite shells with the model in the former research. 11)The growth of lamellar eutectic structure, such as ledeburite eutectic, was characterized by the well-known relationship 12,13) : where KЈ and KЉ are constants related materials properties, V is solidification rate (m/s). Because of crystal defects, the white eutectic grain often grows bending, and eventually becomes spherical. Therefore, the white eutectic was usually simplified ...